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Florida Focuses on Choice

The sunshine state has a comprehensive LTSS program that still has some work to do on value-based care and is focusing on Managed Care

building pillars on the front of a building

The Four Pillars to Build On in a VBP Environment

Four Pillars to Build On in a VBP Environment THE VBP Blog [1/14/2021]  In 2020, we took on the monumental task of evaluating all ten states that offered managed care programs for the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) population. In our final blog of that series, we broke down our findings into four main pillars. These frameworks provided structure across the many different approaches over the ten states. At the end of 2020, we offered our commitments as a company and in this blog we take a look at how those cross over. 4 Pillars of Reviewing Value-Based Care in I/DD Managed Care Time Matters: more than almost any other factor, the states that gave themselves time for a methodical… Read More »The Four Pillars to Build On in a VBP Environment

primary care

The Primary Care First Model Explained

The Primary Care First VBP Model Explained THE VBP Blog [12/17/20] The Primary Care First (PCF) model was established by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Innovation Center. It offers a regionally-based, multi-payer approach to primary delivery and payment. By design, PCF allows for increased flexibility and freedom for practitioners to be innovative in their approach to increase quality and reduce costs.  PCF will be offered in 26 regions in 2021, including many that were covered in our I/DD Managed Care Review blogs.  In those blogs, we covered the ten current programs being offered. Out of those ten, five (New York, Tennessee, Kansas, Arkansas, and Michigan) also have a PCF option.  This leaves us hopeful that PCF programs… Read More »The Primary Care First Model Explained