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The Power of Digital Tools for Advancing Value-Based Care

Veeneta Lakhani, SVP of Health Services at Vida Health, believes that it is time to utilize digital tools to increase the quality of care and patient outcomes.

doctor technology

January 10, 2021 –Veeneta Lakhani, SVP of Health Services at Vida Health, believes that it is time to enter a new chapter of value-based care. A former health plan executive, Lakhani believes that now is the time to utilize digital tools to increase the quality of care and patient outcomes.

In her column with Med City News, Lakhani discusses:

  • How the majority of the population suffers from unmet health needs in their daily lives that the predictive models do not catch. The population needs coaching on how to continually live a healthy life and that comes with continuous care models that deliver day-to-day support for health.
  • Health apps and digital platforms can help avoid fragmentation in today’s health system because they can deliver different realms of care management simultaneously.
  • It does not matter whether the payer or provider controls digital platforms, only that consumers use them. It is important to provide digital systems that can meet their health needs and win their confidence.
  • There is a problem with value-based care models not reaching consumers regarding day-to-day health. It is important to implement digital tools and measure engagement accurately to move the needle on value-based care.

Click here to read the full report from Med City News.

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